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Belly Dancing Troupes

Make your special event unforgettable, really surprise somebody, set a theme, entertain the whole family, office or party, then the exciting and cultural experience of a Belly Gram or themed dance show.

Our Belly Dance Troupe is a unique performance group that specializes in the popular Middle Eastern style of dance. They brings together performers from diverse dance backgrounds to showcase Bollywood, Belly Dance, and Russian Gypsy dance. We are united by a common dream: to bring excellence in Bollywood, Belly Dance, and Russian Gypsy dance to stages in the Northwest.

Blue Lotus Troupe

Blue Lotus Troupe

Seattle bellydancer Nalini and The Blue lotus Dance Company - Seattle Bollywood, Bellydance and Russian Gypsy dance group offers dance ..



Today's audiences are looking for entertainment that reflects the emerging global culture.
